18/19 November 2022

Death Instinct and Knowledge

Human Birth Theory
and its Implications

International conference
to celebrate the 50th anniversary
of the first edition

An initiative of the:
18/19 November 2022

Death Instinct and Knowledge

Human Birth Theory and its Implications

International conference to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first edition

An initiative of the:

Guest Speakers

Thematic Areas

The Conference will take place over two days around three thematic areas divided into: Invited Papers, Roundtables, and in-depth sessions divided into a series of contributions and posters.

It will be held at the Teatro Olimpico in Rome and livestreamed with simultaneous translation into English. Pre-recorded contributions will be published on the conference website the same day.

‘[…] I never came to terms with the idea that there was no cure for mental illness […]’