
18 November

Admission of conference participants
Welcome talks and institutional greetings

Chair: Francesca Fagioli, Conference President

From the Municipality of Rome

  • Sabrina Alfonsi, Councilor for Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle.

  • Daniela Spinaci, President of the Equal Opportunities Commission. Municipality I, Central Rome


From the Fondazione Massimo Fagioli

  • Alessandro Hinna, Foundation President
  • Marcella Fagioli, President of the Scientific Board
Guest Speakers and Papers

Chair: Andrea Raballo

  • Paolo Girardi The critical nature of the biological paradigm

Chair: Daniela Polese

  • Joanna E. Chambers
    The Modern Opioid Epidemic: An Example of the Intersection of Human Birth Theory and Attachment Theory  
Plenary Session 1
Thematic areas
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)
Neonatology and bioethics (B)

Psychiatry as psychotherapy

Chair: Andrea Masini

  • M. L. Riccio, D. Polese Human birth is in coming into light, not in the first breath’: new data on the discovery of a third retinal photoreceptor active at birth (B)
  • C. Anzilotti, D. Armando Unconscious, fantasy, imagination: some reflections on the words of birth theory and their history (A)
  • F. Masini The birth theory and the origin of the language (A)
  • F. Panzera, E. Pappagallo, F. Quaranta From the Insulin shock therapy group to Analisi Collettiva, the evolution of group therapy in Massimo Fagioli’s practice (A)
  • D. Fargnoli, M. G. Gatti Death Instinct and Knowledge and the psychotherapy of psychosis (A)
Plenary Session 2
Thematic areas
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

The psychopathology of the non-conscious

Chair: Gabriele Cavaggioni

  • C. Andrizzi The diagnosis of delusional perception opens the way to the psychotherapy (A)
  • I. Calesini, E. Atzori, L. Costantino, D. Montanaro, D. Fargnoli The Identification: definition and clinic in Istinto di morte e conoscenza (A)
  • A. Mazzetta The loss of common sense compared with the disappearance fantasy: the conscious and unconscious intentionality (A)
  • M. Albrizio, M. C. Aliquò, E. Stocco The invisible clinic of envy (A
  • A. Giampà, A. Mocci The evolution of envy concept through the clinical cases of “Death instinct and knowledge”: between theoretical elaboration and therapeutic process (A)
Lunch Break and Poster Exhibition

During the lunch break at the poster exhibition, participants will have the opportunity to talk to the authors in the thematic area:

Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A);

Neonatology and bioethics (B)

An interview with the respective author will be conducted for each poster and will be available on the conference website prior to the event.

See the list of posters here

Plenary Session 3
Thematic areas:
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)
Neonatology and bioethics (B)

Human Identity and Its Development

Chair: Elena Monducci

  • I. Rocchi The non-conscious mother-infant relationship (B)
  • A. Cantini, C. Fazio, V. Fino, E. Lucarini, M. Ponti, N. Trevisan Maternal stress in pregnancy, maternal mental disorders and fetal neurodevelopment: a scientific investigation in light of Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory (B)
  • A. Emiliozzi, L. Genco, E. Lucarini, C. Patrignani, A. Pelagaggi, G. Sneider, M. Sneider, N. Trevisan The sense of the line at the time of weaning. An in-depth scientific review based on Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory (B)
  • E. Gebhardt The discovery of human birth as the foundation for a psychopathology of childhood and adolescence (A)
  • M. Petrucci Psichiatria di transizione e teoria della nascita (A)
Short film

Dreaming and healing - The therapeutic process and dreams

Regia di Bruno Rocchi, produzione Netforpp Europa Ets.

Introduction and presentation: Cecilia Iannaco and Martino Riggio


Dynamic psychotherapy in the light of Human Birth Theory: an international comparison

Co-Chairs: Annelore Homberg e Paolo Fiori Nastro. Speakers: Martina Brandizzi, Eirini Karyotaki, Natalia Solovieva.
End of day
Online Contributions
Due to time constraints, these contributions relating to the thematic areas of the day will be pre-recorded and published on this website.
Thematic areas:
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

The Identity of the Psychotherapist

Chair: Letizia del Pace

  • E. Atzori, D. Montanaro, I. Ritacco, L. Costantino, I. Calesini, D. Fargnoli Theoretical redefinition of the death instinct and propulsive impact of the concept of the therapist’s “absence” regarding the research on the effective therapist (A)
  • P. Bisconti, F. Fargnoli, D. Fargnoli Death Instinct and Knowledge and dream interpretation (A)
  • A. Carlotto From medicine to psychiatric identity as psychotherapy: training through Human Birth Theory (A)
  • G. Cavaggioni Questions from work experience (A)
  • L. Costantino, D. Fargnoli, E. Atzori, I. Calesini, D. Montanaro, Ilario Ritacco The human identity of the therapist (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

Death Instinct and Psychosis

Chair: Alice Masillo

  • D. Polese The secret of Then: the transformation as a therapeutic process in Death Instinct and Knowledge (A)
  • D. De Lisi, D. Fargnoli Historical framing of fantasy and reverie. The original definition that is formulated in Instinct of death and knowledge (A)
  • V. Migliorini, M. Albrizio Psychotherapy of psychosis: a comparison between the theory of birth and the lost opportunity of Harry Stack Sullivan and Frieda Fromm-Reichmann (A)
  • I. Ritacco, E. Atzori, D. Montanaro, B. Pelletti, D. Fargnoli Schizophrenic attitude against the human relationship and annulment pulsion (A)
  • L. Sapienza, V. Clementi, A. Piazzi The relationship with phenomenological and existential psychiatry in the professional career of Massimo Fagioli (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

Developmental Psychopathlogy

Chair: Claudia Battaglia

  • A. Bembina Developmental relational psychopathology: theoretical training, clinical practice, and therapeutic results (A)
  • A. Bernardini, A. Orlini The Human Birth Theory in Early Human Development: a comparison with the psychoanalytic tradition (A)
  • A. Franco, M. Ionata Emotional-affective dysregulation in adolescence: which rules have emotions escaped? A reflection on physiology, pathology and treatment (A)
  • L. Giorgini Neuropsychiatry of childhood and adolescence: the annulment of children and young people as psychic subjects (A)
  • V. Mariotti, E. Gebhardt, M. Petrucci “The physical transformation does not exist”. Theoretical aspects and therapeutic implications (A)
Thematic Area
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, and developmental psychology (A)

Biology and Death instinct

Chair: Raffaella Nicolai

  • A. D’Imperio, B. Quagliarini, M. Ienca, G. Ruggeri Analysis of disappearance fantasy according to Death Instinct and Knowledge: clinical, forensic and neuroethical correlations(A)
  • F. Fargnoli Neoteny and development of the senses in Death Instinct and Knowledge (A)
  • M. G. Gatti, F. Fargnoli, D. Fargnoli Death Instinct and Knowledge and light (A)
  • F. Rinaldi Beyond the “concept of cause”. The cause-effect nexus and its rethinking in Massimo Fagioli’s theorization (A)
  • T. Spiga From neonatology to the molecular bases of the transduction from luminous impulse to nervous impulse (A)

19 November

Admission of conference participants
Welcome talk

Chair: Francesca Fagioli, Conference President

from the Regione Lazio
  • Marta Bonafoni, Councilor of the Lazio Region
Plenary Session 4
Thematic area:
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

Social transformation and human requirements

Chair: Carlo Zaghi

  • L. Di Paolo, G. Manetti, D. Coccoli, G. Minasi, C. Carbonari, C. Menna, A. Sintini, M. Caracciolo But how did you do it? From individual research to the writing of Death Instinct and Knowledge in response to collective demand. (C)
  • D. Donninelli, A. Amendola, A. Barbagli, D. Biagi, F. Cascianelli, P. Fiori Nastro, I. Iannuzzi, M. Migliorini, C. Pistolesi A School for “Knowledge” (C)
  • A. Laconi, S. Marzetti, F. Zappacosta Equality and freedom related to non-conscious reality: anthropological, philosophical, and sociopolitical implications (C)
  • D. Natali Political theory of European integration in light of Human Birth Theory (C)
  • M. Sintini Architecture and relationship with nature (C)
Guest Speakers and Papers

Chair: Ester Stocco

  • Luigi Cancrini  The “revolutionary” changes in psychotherapy over the last 50 years
Plenary session 5
Thematic area
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

For a new anthropology

Chair: Paola Gramigni

  • M. Pugno The double ‘leap’ in human evolution: a hypothesis in the light of Human Birth Theory (C)
  • C. Ricciardi Rational Justifications Falsify Ethics: A Research Proposal (C)
  • A. Iacarella A wholly human history. De Martino, Camus, Fagioli: paths of European thought after World War II (C)
  • A. Barbagli, E. Monducci The future is a door, and we are now the key (C)
  • A. Ventura Fagioli’s Birth Theory and human sociality (C)
Plenary session 6
Thematic area
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

The New Language

Chair: Simona Maggiorelli

  • L. Valeri, S. Danielli, E. Papa New words. A study of the language of the first edition of Death Instinct and Knowledge by Massimo Fagioli (C)
  • V. Montanino, A. M. Panzera “A woman, undersigned”. Creativity and the female image in Death Instinct and Knowledge. The repercussions in the history of thought and art (C)
  • E. Farina Rethinking Second Language Acquisition in Terms of Relationship with the Different from Oneself through Human Birth Theory (C)
  • T. Zhang, F. Masini Translating Istinto di morte e conoscenza (Death Instinct and Knowledge) into Chinese (C)
Lunch Break and Poster Exhibition

During the lunch break at the poster exhibition, participants will have the opportunity to talk to the authors in the thematic area:

  • Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

An interview with the respective author will be conducted for each poster and will be available on the conference website prior to the event.

See the list of posters here

Guest Speakers and Papers

Chair: Nella Lo Cascio

  • César A. Alfonso
    Architecture: Psychoanalytic Insights on the Aesthetics of Living Spaces and Social Responsibility


Non-rational thinking and human identity

Chair: Ugo Tonietti

Speakers: Piero Bevilacqua, Franco D’Agostino, Paolo Fresu, Annelore Homberg, Nicoletta Lanciano, Manuela Sanna.


Chair: Matteo Fago

  • Andrea Masini “Il sogno della farfalla”: a 30-year history of psychiatry and psychotherapy.
  • Paolo Fiori Nastro To continue the idea of a possible cure: the Bios Psyché School of Dynamic Psychotherapy
  • Lorenzo Vivarelli “Amore e Psiche”: a space for cultural exchange.
Closing remarks

Carlo Anzilotti and Ernesto Longobardi

End of conference
Online Contributions

Due to time constraints, these contributions relating to the thematic areas of the day will be pre-recorded and published on the conference website.

Thematic area:
Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Creativity and language expressed through images

Chair: Giusi De Santis

  • A. Di Micco, C. Folcarelli, E. Gebhardt, L. Giorgini, S. Maggiorelli, M. Petrucci, R. Pugno Art is not madness: irrationality and creativity are the humanity of thought (C)
  • C. Landi, G. Leonelli, F. Nante Creativity, conception and the relationship with history (C)
  • L. D’Angelo Death Instinct and Knowledge in the context of art and art criticism of the early seventies (C)
  • G. De Santis Cinema and language. New methodological perspectives on the research of images according to Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory (C)
  • R. Chimenti Massimo Fagioli’s thought and his deep relationship with poetry (C)
Thematic area:
Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Broadening of Horizons after Death Instinct and Knowledge

Chair: Elisabetta Amalfitano

  • U. Tonietti The birth theory: a paradigm shift for knowledge (C)
  • N. Ghetti The Language of Dreams Interpretation (C)
  • E. Ilardi, E. Longobardi Old words for a new thought: preliminary notes for a research on alienation in the tradition of Western thought and in the work of Massimo Fagioli, starting from Death Instinct and Knowledge (C)
  • G. Calenda Geopolitics and the Human Birth Theory. Ideas for a new approach to international relations  (C)
Thematic area:
Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Education and healthcare: new paradigms

Chair: Elena Novella Maturi

  • M. De Vinci Is psychotherapy possible in a public health service counseling facility for young adults? (C)
  • S. Farina Designing psychiatric care facilities in the public health service through the redevelopment of urban space, based on Human Birth Theory (C)
  • A. Amendola Towards a New Identity of the Teacher (C)
  • M. Galloni, M. De Vinci Joint work experience between a state high school and a public counseling facility (C)