Confidence in the social, juridical, and economic developments subsequent to the constitutional reforms occurred in Europe after the WWII seems undermined by the return of ancient bulks such as war, religious thinking and inequalities. The return of the crisis might be related to the partial realization of equality and freedom’s real meaning.
Contemporary European constitutionalism has its roots in the Enlightenment achievements such as the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
More than two centuries ago the idea of individuals’ freedom was brought to partial realization. Following the WWII freedom was supposed to be recognized as a universal right due to the idea of equality between human beings who are all holders of the same rights.
The relationship between equality and freedom – that underpins western societies – has followed bumpy paths that led to oppose these two values.
Our article will start from the limits of the above-mentioned path with the aim of combining in an effective way equality and freedom.
Our research main reference is Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory which, by discovering the mechanism of the disappearance fantasy at birth that is capability of imaging, has conceived non-conscious realty as healthy, non-violent and creative as well as peculiar characteristic of each human being. Furthermore, by proving the biological origin of non-conscious reality Fagioli codifies the fusion between human beings’ physical and mental realities. The disappearance fantasy dynamic as annulment pulsion towards nature makes the newborn looking for another human being and proves the natural sociality of the baby. Considering that the above-mentioned dynamic has been scientifically demonstrated as present in every human being, the Human Birth Theory codifies the equality of individuals. Birth reality, progressing throughout years, leads each person to realize his/her own identity and therefore to create a society composed by human beings simultaneously equal and different. Individual identity which is not individualism.
Fagioli’s theory confutes millennia of philosophical elaborations based on the Western Logos which have certified the split between rational and irrational realities within human beings, moreover by considering the former as a peculiar characteristic of the human species and has founded on this idea some fundamental concepts such as human identity, freedom, and equality. The consequences of this approach can be seen transversally in all fields of study pertaining to human beings.
Considering above-mentioned reasons, in the course of our research it will be imperative to examine the limits that the anthropological and philosophical studies have generated in relation to the concepts of freedom and equality incorporated in the constitutional documents of the major Western democracies.
First, we will start by trying to summarize the meaning of freedom and equality considering Massimo Fagioli’s writings and his scientific theory on the non-conscious reality. Following the illustration of these two concepts related to irrational human reality, we will be able to make a fresh reading of the above-mentioned sciences that have always been based on rational thinking.
Anthropology has always focused on the behaviors and physical characteristics of human beings starting from the Western understanding of people as rational beings who in the physical perception of the other, different from themselves, see a non-human material reality which consolidates the primacy of the Logos.
In the field of philosophy and religion we intend to start from the origins of rational conceiving of human beings, particularly focusing on the most relevant codifications that enshrined irrational as non-human or violent by nature. Fagioli identified these codifications in the Christian’s original sin, in the concept of animality of the Western Logos, in the nothingness of Jewish mysticism, and Kant’s radical evil.
On the social and political levels, there is the presence of values and principles codified in constitutional texts and fundamental Charts of rights whose application is limited because, in the global cultural system, freedom and equality are used as “conventions” to rationally hold the balance of society.
By relating equality and freedom to the non-conscious reality we would like to give a human meaning to these two principles and subsequently to those like solidarity, integration, cooperation which have been emptied by nationalisms, neoliberalism and religion. Connecting equality and freedom to the non-conscious reality it is possible to answer to the main global challenges such as physical, mental, and cultural violence on women, migrations and climate crisis.
As a methodology we will oscillate between studying authors and experiences that have come closest to overcoming the idea of the human being as rational and those that have instead attacked the nonconscious, now sanctioning its inhuman nature, now its and unknowability.
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