In the history of philosophy the body has been considered with various meanings: an instrument or receptacle for the soul (Pythagora, Aristotle, Plato); an aggregate of spiritual substances, one of two faces of the divine substance (Spinoza); a substance on its own, res extensa (Descartes); body-machine ( Le Mettrie ,Condillac); form of experience or way to be lived (Husserl); perceptive opening to the world (M.-Ponty).
Psychologists have tried to overcome the Cartesian dualism between mind and body through the concept of a body scheme-a sum resulting from perceptions and sensations on one side and the mental representation of body on the other one. Body image.
Medicine defines the human body as a complex system: it starts from the fusion of two cellular elements. A precise sequence of biological processes forms tissues, which then develop in organs and apparatus. The ectodema develops in the nervous system but also in the epidermis cells, which form the skin together with the derma. Skin covers our body and the fetus skin remains deeply in contact with the amniotic substance for nine months. It means that for the whole gestation there is a constant stimulation of skin perceptive structures and that stimulation brings to sensitivity, which is different from perception.
At birth the light stimulus provokes a general reaction of the body, we see changes both in quantity and quality, as it is clearly evident comparing fetus and new-born. The new-born owns a non-material substance, the imagination substance, which becomes fantasy, “disappearance fantasy”, something the fetus doesn’t have.
The body image becomes a living image, it growns and transforms itself during a person’s life and it brings to a memory of relationship, first had and then lived.
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