Theory and praxis on collective Analysis


Theory and praxis on collective Analysis

From 1975 to 2016 had been held the collective Analysis (Analisi collettiva) that involved thousands of people during those years. This kind of psychotherapy had some unique characteristic never seen before, and it was going on for more than 40 years, without any kind of interruptions. The setting was for groups of about 200 people each, weekly. Our research, by this work, try to find an explication of this new and revolutionary praxis held by the psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli. We will try to explain how was possible, that this innovative praxis, was happened and so many people followed the meetings in continuous way for years. These sessions of psychoterapy were born as a “spontaneous flow” of people, without any previous according or contract between them. The sessions were called “Collective analysys seminars” (Seminari di Analisi collettiva). The collective Analysis setting has structured itself during the time, in “non aprioristic way”, but on solid theoretic basis, already emerged from his first book published in 1972, that means before of the collective Analysis itself. The phenomenon was spontaneous, but not improvised. The “Theory of human birth”, published in the book “Death instinct and knowledge”, responded at a deep need, for more than one generation, to meet an a “unknown intelligence” and that allowed to get over a “conscious remember” as was elaborated in his first book. The methodology of the collective Analysis has completely changed the concepts of setting, transfer, interpretation and, in particular, the interpretation of the dreams. The theorizations of Doctor Fagioli feed by practical and clinic practice, has done real a new psychotherapy who had already its fundamental in “Death instinct and knowledge”, that is showing the coherence between “theory and praxis” and allowed the realizations of this revolutionary and extraordinary experience.



  • Fagioli M., Istinto di morte e conoscenza, L’Asino d’oro edizioni 2017
  • Fagioli M., La marionetta e il burattino, L’Asino d’oro edizioni 2008
  • Fagioli M., Le notti dell’isteria, L’asino d’oro edizioni, 2022
  • Fagioli M., La psichiatria come psicoterapia, L’asino d’oro edizioni, 2022
  • Fagioli M., Left 2013, L’asino d’oro edizioni, 2016
  • Fagioli M., Storia di una ricerca. Lezioni 2002, L’asino d’oro edizioni 2002