
18 November


Chair: Francesca Fagioli, Conference President

From the Municipality of Rome

  • Sabrina Alfonsi, Councilor for Agriculture, Environment and Waste Cycle.
  • Daniela Spinaci, President of the Equal Opportunities Commission. Municipality I, Central Rome

From the Fondazione Massimo Fagioli

  • Alessandro Hinna, Foundation President
  • Marcella Fagioli, President of the Scientific Board

Chair: Andrea Raballo

  • Paolo Girardi
    The critical nature of the biological paradigm

Chair: Daniela Polese

  • Joanna E. Chambers
    The Modern Opioid Epidemic: An Example of the Intersection of Human Birth Theory and Attachment Theory  
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)
Neonatology and bioethics (B)

Psychiatry as psychotherapy

Chair: Andrea Masini

  • M. L. Riccio, D. Polese
    Human birth is in coming into light, not in the first breath’: new data on the discovery of a third retinal photoreceptor active at birth (B)
  • C. Anzilotti, D. Armando
    Unconscious, fantasy, imagination: some reflections on the words of birth theory and their history
  • F. Masini
    The birth theory and the origin of the language (A)
  • F. Panzera, E. Pappagallo, F. Quaranta
    From the Insulin shock therapy group to Analisi Collettiva, the evolution of group therapy in Massimo Fagioli’s practice  (A)
  • D. Fargnoli, M. G. Gatti
    Death Instinct and Knowledge and the psychotherapy of psychosis (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

The psychopathology of the non-conscious

Chair: Gabriele Cavaggioni

  • C. Andrizzi
    The diagnosis of delusional perception opens the way to the psychotherapy  (A)
  • I. Calesini, E. Atzori, L. Costantino, D. Montanaro, D. Fargnoli
    The Identification: definition and clinic in Istinto di morte e conoscenza (A)
  • A. Mazzetta
    The loss of common sense compared with the disappearance fantasy: the conscious and unconscious intentionality (A)
  • M. Albrizio, M. C. Aliquò, E. Stocco
     The invisible clinic of envy (A
  • A. Giampà, A. Mocci
    The evolution of envy concept through the clinical cases of “Death instinct and knowledge”: between theoretical elaboration and therapeutic process (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)
Neonatology and bioethics (B)

Human Identity and Its Development

Chair: Elena Monducci

  • I. Rocchi
    The non-conscious mother-infant relationship (B)
  • A. Cantini, C. Fazio, V. Fino, E. Lucarini, M. Ponti, N. Trevisan
    Maternal stress in pregnancy, maternal mental disorders and fetal neurodevelopment: a scientific investigation in light of Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory (B)
  • A. Emiliozzi, L. Genco, E. Lucarini, C. Patrignani, A. Pelagaggi, G. Sneider, M. Sneider, N. Trevisan
    The sense of the line at the time of weaning. An in-depth scientific review based on Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory  (B)
  • E. Gebhardt
    The discovery of human birth as the foundation for a psychopathology of childhood and adolescence (A)
  • M. Petrucci
    Psichiatria di transizione e teoria della nascita (A)

Dreaming and healing - The therapeutic process and dreams

Regia di Bruno Rocchi, produzione Netforpp Europa Ets.

Introduction and presentation: Cecilia Iannaco and Martino Riggio


Dynamic psychotherapy in the light of Human Birth Theory: an international comparison

Co-Chairs: Annelore Homberg e Paolo Fiori Nastro.

Speakers: Martina BrandizziEirini KaryotakiNatalia Solovieva.

18 November online sessions

Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

The Identity of the Psychotherapist

Chair: Letizia del Pace

  • E. Atzori, D. Montanaro, I. Ritacco, L. Costantino, I. Calesini, D. Fargnoli Theoretical redefinition of the death instinct and propulsive impact of the concept of the therapist’s “absence” regarding the research on the effective therapist (A)
  • P. Bisconti, F. Fargnoli, D. Fargnoli Death Instinct and Knowledge and dream interpretation (A)
  • A. Carlotto From medicine to psychiatric identity as psychotherapy: training through Human Birth Theory (A)
  • G. Cavaggioni
    Questions from work experience (A)
  • L. Costantino, D. Fargnoli, E. Atzori, I. Calesini, D. Montanaro, Ilario Ritacco
    The human identity of the therapist (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

Death Instinct and Psychosis

Chair: Alice Masillo

  • D. Polese
    The secret of Then: the transformation as a therapeutic process in Death Instinct and Knowledge (A)
  • D. De Lisi, D. Fargnoli
    Historical framing of fantasy and reverie. The original definition that is formulated in Instinct of death and knowledge (A)
  • V. Migliorini, M. Albrizio
    Psychotherapy of psychosis: a comparison between the theory of birth and the lost opportunity of Harry Stack Sullivan and Frieda Fromm-Reichmann  (A)
  • I. Ritacco, E. Atzori, D. Montanaro, B. Pelletti, D. Fargnoli
    Schizophrenic attitude against the human relationship and annulment pulsion (A)
  • L. Sapienza, V. Clementi, A. Piazzi
    The relationship with phenomenological and existential psychiatry in the professional career of Massimo Fagioli  (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, developmental psychology (A)

Developmental Psychopathlogy

Chair: Claudia Battaglia

  • A. Bembina
    Developmental relational psychopathology: theoretical training, clinical practice, and therapeutic results (A)
  • A. Bernardini, A. Orlini
    The Human Birth Theory in Early Human Development: a comparison with the psychoanalytic tradition (A)
  • A. Franco, M. Ionata
    Emotional-affective dysregulation in adolescence: which rules have emotions escaped? A reflection on physiology, pathology and treatment (A)
  • L. Giorgini
    Neuropsychiatry of childhood and adolescence: the annulment of children and young people as psychic subjects (A)
  • V. Mariotti, E. Gebhardt, M. Petrucci
    “The physical transformation does not exist”. Theoretical aspects and therapeutic implications (A)
Psychiatry, psychotherapy, and developmental psychology (A)

Biology and Death instinct

Chair: Raffaella Nicolai

  • A. D’Imperio, B. Quagliarini, M. Ienca, G. Ruggeri
    Analysis of disappearance fantasy according to Death Instinct and Knowledge: clinical, forensic and neuroethical correlations (A)
  • F. Fargnoli
    Neoteny and development of the senses in Death Instinct and Knowledge  (A)
  • M. G. Gatti, F. Fargnoli, D. Fargnoli
    Death Instinct and Knowledge and light  (A)
  • F. Rinaldi
    Beyond the “concept of cause”. The cause-effect nexus and its rethinking in Massimo Fagioli’s theorization (A)
  • T. Spiga
    From neonatology to the molecular bases of the transduction from luminous impulse to nervous impulse (A)

19 November


Chair: Francesca Fagioli, presidente del convegno

from the Regione Lazio

  • Marta Bonafoni, Councilor of the Lazio Region

Chair: Ester Stocco

  • Luigi Cancrini  The “revolutionary” changes in psychotherapy over the last 50 years
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

Social transformation and human requirements

Chair: Carlo Zaghi

  • L. Di Paolo, G. Manetti, D. Coccoli, G. Minasi, C. Carbonari, C. Menna, A. Sintini, M. Caracciolo
    But how did you do it? From individual research to the writing of Death Instinct and Knowledge in response to collective demand. (C)
  • D. Donninelli, A. Amendola, A. Barbagli, F. Cascianelli, P. Fiori Nastro, I. Iannuzzi, M. Migliorini, C. Pistolesi
    A School for “Knowledge”  (C)
  • A. Laconi, S. Marzetti, F. Zappacosta
    Equality and freedom related to non-conscious reality: anthropological, philosophical, and sociopolitical implications (C)
  • D. Natali
     Political theory of European integration in light of Human Birth Theory (C)
  • M. Sintini
    Architecture and relationship with nature (C)
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

For a new anthropology

Chair: Paola Gramigni

  • M. Pugno
    The double ‘leap’ in human evolution: a hypothesis in the light of Human Birth Theory (C)
  • C. Ricciardi
    Rational Justifications Falsify Ethics: A Research Proposal (C)
  • A. Iacarella
    A wholly human history. De Martino, Camus, Fagioli: paths of European thought after World War II (C)
  • A. Barbagli, E. Monducci
    The future is a door, and we are now the key  (C)
  • A. Ventura
    Fagioli’s Birth Theory and human sociality (C)
Socio-cultural contexts and implications (C)

The New Language

Chair: Simona Maggiorelli

  • L. Valeri, S. Danielli, E. Papa
    New words. A study of the language of the first edition of Death Instinct and Knowledge by Massimo Fagioli (C)
  • V. Montanino, A. M. Panzera
    “A woman, undersigned”. Creativity and the female image in Death Instinct and Knowledge. The repercussions in the history of thought and art (C)
  • E. Farina
    Rethinking Second Language Acquisition in Terms of Relationship with the Different from Oneself through Human Birth Theory  (C)
  • T. Zhang, F. Masini
    Translating Istinto di morte e conoscenza (Death Instinct and Knowledge) into Chinese (C)

Chair: Nella Lo Cascio

  • César A. Alfonso
    Architecture: Psychoanalytic Insights on the Aesthetics of Living Spaces and Social Responsibility


Non-rational thinking and human identity

Chair: Ugo Tonietti

Speakers: Piero BevilacquaFranco D’AgostinoPaolo Fresu, Annelore HombergNicoletta LancianoManuela Sanna.


Chair: Matteo Fago

  • Andrea Masini
    “Il sogno della farfalla”: a 30-year history of psychiatry and psychotherapy.


  • Paolo Fiori Nastro
    To continue the idea of a possible cure: the Bios Psyché School of Dynamic Psychotherapy


  • Lorenzo Vivarelli
    “Amore e Psiche”: a space for cultural exchange.

Chair: Francesca Fagioli and Marcella Fagioli

  • Carlo Anzilotti, Ernesto Longobardi

19 November online sessions

Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Creativity and language expressed through images

Chair: Giusi De Santis

  • A. Di Micco, C. Folcarelli, E. Gebhardt, L. Giorgini, S. Maggiorelli, M. Petrucci, R. Pugno
    Art is not madness: irrationality and creativity are the humanity of thought (C)
  • C. Landi, G. Leonelli, F. Nante
    Creativity, conception and the relationship with history (C)
  • L. D’Angelo
    Death Instinct and Knowledge in the context of art and art criticism of the early seventies (C)
  • G. De Santis
    Cinema and language. New methodological perspectives on the research of images according to Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory (C)
  • R. Chimenti
    Massimo Fagioli’s thought and his deep relationship with poetry (C)
Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Broadening of Horizons after Death Instinct and Knowledge

Chair: Elisabetta Amalfitano

  • U. Tonietti
    The birth theory: a paradigm shift for knowledge (C)
  • N. Ghetti
    The Language of Dreams Interpretation (C)
  • E. Ilardi, E. Longobardi
    Old words for a new thought: preliminary notes for a research on alienation in the tradition of Western thought and in the work of Massimo Fagioli, starting from Death Instinct and Knowledge  (C)
  • G. Calenda
    Geopolitics and the Human Birth Theory. Ideas for a new approach to international relations   (C)
Sociocultural contexts and implications (C)

Education and healthcare: new paradigms

Chair: Elena Novella Maturi

  • M. De Vinci
     Is psychotherapy possible in a public health service counseling facility for young adults? (C)
  • S. Farina
    Designing psychiatric care facilities in the public health service through the redevelopment of urban space, based on Human Birth Theory (C)
  • A. Amendola
    Towards a New Identity of the Teacher (C)
  • M. Galloni, M. De Vinci
    Joint work experience between a state high school and a public counseling facility (C)
