How did you do it? From individual research to the writing of Death instinct and knowledge as a reply to a collective request


From the post-war period onwards, Western society has boiled over with newneeds, demands, utopias and ambitions, both personal and collective. Peoplehave sought greater equality, freedom, gender equality, in short, people havesought a profoundly different and more humane society.When the failure of the 1968 revolts led to the depths of disappointment anddespair, the minds of many fell ill and sought help.The goal of this work is to historically explore these ideal queries and show howthe individual research of a man was able to provide answers to each of them inan original way, based upon a scientific discovery that arose out of his humanreality, his work, but that was also tightly linked to the reality of his time.Massimo Fagioli’s life, work and research formed an inseparable and continuousprocess composed of practice and theory. However, based on what the authoralways stated – there were two fundamental years for the writing of Death instinctand knowledge: 1964 (when the author made the discovery) and 1970 (whenFagioli wrote what would become the fundamental text of the “Birth Theory”).In relation to these two moments, the work we propose for the conference aims to:- recreate the context of the research that led to the discovery and writing of Deathinstinct and knowledge. In the case of 1970, again on the basis of what MassimoFagioli stated, it would seem that surrounding events accelerated his decision towrite. For this reason, the events of that period represent something more thanjust “background”.- highlight the epistemological break made by Death instinct and knowledge, withparticular regard to the proposed treatment of mental illness, understood as adisease of thought, and to psychotherapy understood as being essential totreatment and recovery and not as being a mere corollary.

Fagioli’s research was carried out solitarily in coherent opposition not only toorganic psychiatry and to religious and philosophical tradition, but also to thedominating cultures of the time: Existentialism, Freudianism and Marxism.

By using reconstructions drawn from Massimo Fagioli’s works, and from his publicinterviews, articles in Left magazine, and lectures at Chieti University, we will seekto highlight the key surrounding historical and political events, people, politicalparties, and cultural and philosophical movements.From the post-war period to 1964, we will explore the years of the ‘cold war’, thestruggles for independence, for civil rights, class struggles and movements forwomen’s liberation, which were often intertwined.We will examine the effects of the economic boom, with its economic and socialrepercussions that would lead to profound cultural changes in Italian society andcustoms that was still deeply rooted in peasant values and traditions.We will also consider the impact of de-Stalinization upon the balance between theeastern and western blocks, as well as the social and political movementspromoted by new cultures, from the Beat Generation to the Nouvelle vague, alsowith a look at cinema as a special vehicle of novelty and as a venue for deeperthinking after the neorealist season (themes of alienation, existential discomfort,incommunicability).With regard to 1964, the reconstruction will be in greater depth and detail. Themore significant historical facts will be interlaced with the society, customs andculture of the time, with a special focus on what the author developed in hispsychiatric practice that led him to the discovery of the “disappearance fantasy”.Moreover, these were the years when women were demanding a different rolewithin society and family because, despite the economic boom and the pill, wageequality and equality in family and gender relationships still remained a mirage.Only a long and difficult toil, carried out mainly by women in Parliament, wouldlead to a reform of relevant aspects of the Italian legal system.

Our work will then explore the years from 1965 to 1969, underlining, in addition tothe historical facts, the philosophical trends that most influenced the thinking of the1968 movement, such as Existentialism, the beginning of the spread of Freudianpsychoanalysis but, above all, the birth of youth movements, their aspirations andtheir rebellion against society and against the communist party.

We will lastly focus upon 1970, when Massimo Fagioli was a member of theItalian Psychoanalysis Society (PSI) in Rome, in a historical, political and socialcontext that was completely different from that of the previous six years, as it hadbeen deeply impacted by the movement of 1968, by the violence of the so-called“strategy of tension”. As mentioned above, in this period many people began to fallill and Massimo Fagioli replied by writing Death instinct and knowledge, which waspublished in January 1972.

(traduzione di Carla Gentili in collaborazione con Michael L. Stiefel)



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I libri della Teoria della nascita

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I libri delle lezioni di Chieti

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I libri degli articoli di LEFT

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  • Fagioli,M. (2019). Left 2016-2017.Roma:L’asino d’oro

Gli atti dei convegni e delle aule magne

  • Armando,D., Fiori Nastro, P., Masini, F. (Eds). (1997). Fantasia di sparizione formazione dell’immagineidea della cura. Roma :Nuove Edizioni Romane.
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  • Il Corriere della Sera; L’Unità, Il Messaggero, Paese Sera.
  • Settimanali: L’Espresso; Oggi.

Le interviste televisive, radiofoniche, giornalistiche rilasciate da Massimo Fagioli.