Everything within ourselves is human


Artistic posters, alongside scientific ones, can be very interesting and usefull to focus and talk about the Human Birth Theory at the International Conference –Fifty years of Death Instinct and Knowledge – The Human Birth Theory and its implications.

By artistic poster is meant any poster where the image is prevalent, compared tot he writing, or where the writing is absorbed in the image. The aim is realizing an essential, simple poster that can strike the imagination of the viewer and that can create an emotional impact, summing up different levels of meaning, in the fusion of words and image; a poster, whose graphic nature doesn’t lessen the importance and depth of its message.

Therefore, including artistic posters, as part of the cultural offer during the Conference, can be very fair especially since the Theory of Birth by Massimo Fagioli is universal, regarding both artistic and scientific areas. In addition, artistic posters can increase the variety of the proposals and target a younger audience.

The purpose is to depict and present the beauty and strength of this Theory,particularly to people who didn’t read about it. The strategy shall be using images, pictures, and sort of key words, to reduce the struggle to comprehend something difficult, new or unusual, and to go straight to the heart. In doing so the message could elude potential preconceptions and bias.

The idea of this poster was born from the reading of Death Instinct and Knowledge. In those pages it’s easy to find sentences able to condense mind-blowing and deep meanings in few simple words. These sentences and meanings can impress and amaze anyone, regardless of weather they had read the entire book or not.

The poster named Tutto ciò che è in noi è umano – Everything within ourselves is human is a collage-like work. His different elements will be combined to create one powerful image.

  • The title;
  • Massimo Fagioli informations/photograph;
  • a drawing;
  • the sentence the poster focus on;
  • the name of the authors of the poster and the bibliographical elements.

Every graphic aspect of the poster is meant to convey a message. Words will be written ordinarily, when giving simple informations; reproducing the hand writing of a writer, hinting at the author’s one, for the main message; and as if they were type written for other important words. These three forms of writing refer to the many forms the words of the author showed up over the years. Colours could be included, in relation to the different covers of the books by Fagioli.

The photograph will depict the opennes and the kindness of the author. The drawing, portraying the peacefull sleeping visage of a baby, will provide an example to the viewer: a possible and positive reaction of a person in relation to the Human Birth Theory. The calmness of the baby compose in fact an image that talks about the fullfiness of the reader of Death Instinct and Knowledge, able to finally find in those pages the answers to fundamental questions about human beings. The tranquillity of the baby is the reaction to the Human Birth Theory that protects every single human being from the accusation of being evil, not human,empty and an animal like sinner.

The image of a baby has been chosen for its beauty as well as for its recognition.In fact, it has been used for centuries to signify something impossible: the exceptional being son of a god and a girl. Now, here, it is meant to show something that belongs to everybody, no exception: the Human Birth.



1 Laurea Magistrale in Saperi e Tecniche dello Spettacolo teatrale, cinematografico, digitale, Università La Sapienza di Roma. Master di II livello in Area socio-letteraria, storico-geografica per l’insegnamento negli istituti secondari di I e II grado [LGI1], Università e-Campus. Commediografa, regista, attrice.