Affect-Emotion Dysregulation in adolescence: what “rule” have emotions escaped from? A reflection between physiology, pathology and treatment


The present work intends to propose a reflection on the role of emotions and affects in adolescence and on the possibilities of clinical intervention with young patients.

Therefore the construct of Affect-Emotion Dysregulation was analyzed. Experimental studies have been reported that confirm its component in the onset of the main psychiatric pathologies in adolescence.

In addition, the latest scientific research on attachment, mother-child dyadic relationship, Peripartum Depression and Child Neglect was reported.

The current evidence-based intervention approaches for the treatment of Affect-Emotion Dysregulation and other psychiatric pathologies in adolescence were briefly illustrated.

In a second part, the Theory of Birth of the psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli and his conception of the development of the child was presented. This theory has been compared with the most recent scientific literature. Furthermore, the therapeutic method that proceeds through the interpretation of nocturnal dreams following the cornerstones of the Theory of Birth was illustrated.

The ultimate goal of this work is to highlight how this therapeutic method can be a favorable and sometimes preferable approach in the treatment of the main psychiatric pathologies in adolescence.



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