Joint work experience between a public high school and a public counseling center


The adolescent transformative process involves affective, relational and sexual life: it is a delicate moment of psychophysical development during which the physiological crisis can turn into a pathological crisis.

The prevention of juvenile distress is the main interest of the activities of the Adolescent Counseling Center. Young people go to the Center under the pressure of an inner malaise and of questions concerning their own sexuality; other reasons may concern relational difficulties with peers, classmates, parents, teachers and more generally significant adults. Young people can access the clinic freely, even if they are minors and be accepted alone, in pairs or in small groups.

The difficulties of adolescents are closely linked to the school career and are also manifested in the daily life at school.

For the prevention of juvenile distress and risky behaviors, since 1990 in Italy, there has been a space for what is concerned with “feeling good at school”. Inclusion, reception and educational success, as it is  declared in the documents present on the institutional sites, should be the guidelines for an interested and attentive behavior by the educational institution and above all they should be centrally managed following good practices reproducible.

The joint experience of the Principal of the Liceo Righi in the years 2010-2021, together with Dr. De Vinci made it possible to achieve appropriate and effective results.

Following the theory of Professor Massimo Fagioli, a common practice of both separate and joint interventions has been built, through which it has been confirmed that the attentive presence, the interest in people and the attention to inter-human relationships can prevent discomfort and deeper forms of desease in both adolescents and adults.



  • Fagioli, M.(1972). Istinto di morte e conoscenza. Roma: Nuove Edizioni Romane.
  • Fagioli, M.(1974). La marionetta e il burattino. Roma: Nuove Edizioni Romane.
  • Fagioli, M.(1975). Teoria della nascita e castrazione umana. Roma: Nuove Edizioni Romane.
  • Fagioli, M.(1980). Bambino donna e trasformazione dell’uomo. Roma: Nuove Edizioni Romane.
  • Morin, E. (2000). La testa ben fatta:Riforma dell’insegnamento e riforma del pensiero.  Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore
  • Maslow, A. H., (1973). Teoria della motivazione umana. Milano: Pirelli
  • Watzlawick, P, Beavin, J.H., Jackson, D.D.. (1971). Pragmatica della comunicazione umana. Studio dei modelli interattivi. Roma: Astrolabio.