Geopolitics and the Human Birth Theory. Ideas for a new approach to international relations


The present paper analyzes the features defining the subject called “geopolitics”. By comparing its approach with the ones belonging to other schools of thought, above all the economicist one, the author comes to the conclusion that “geopolitics is the best tool to describe reality”. By limiting its horizon of knowledge to the mere description of reality, however, geopolitics condemns itself to a partial vision on human beings. The second part of this paper will then illustrate the vision on human being derived from Massimo Fagioli’s theory. By going beyond the concept of reality, the entire work of the famous psychiatrist Massimo Fagioli successfully comes to grasp the truth of human being, allowing geopolitics’ and social sciences’ experts to obtain a completely new theoretical horizon within which it would be now possible to design a new and more effectively human-centered internazional relations’ system.



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