Law of rights Euthanasia – Right to choose about end of life



The title of the proposal derives from the passionate speech held by the President of the First Section of Italian Corte di Cassazione in defence of Beppe Englaro, Eluana’s father. That judgment, after 15 years of trial,settled the “dignity” of all people who are in extreme conditions (coma or incurable and painful disease), and want to put an end to their life, by themselves or through a representative. This judicial decision led, on2013, to several bills proposed by Italian Parliament and, on 2019, to the judgment of the Italian Corte Costituzionale. This ferment triggered discussions in politics and public opinion; and the idea is making headway.


Where does law stop? and where does the concept of “dignity” in illness start? How do “Living will” and the decision to forego aggressive treatment (both included in Manconi’s law) differ from euthanasia? How to organize (or maybe create from scratch) reliable social and health care facilities? How to face a religious culture talking of “culture of death”?The only time Italian local health authorities took charge of the case was in Marche. A citizen suffering from ALS made his fight, even if only thanks to the statements of Ministro Speranza. Will this speed up the legislative process?


In France and Netherland, the adoption of a law gradually happened, while in Spain you can access toeuthanasia through the National Health Service. In the U.S.A., each state has his own legislation.Only recently, Italian parliament started to discuss a draft law.The content of the draft law:We want to focus on the preconditions mentioned in the draft law: full possession of one’s faculties andability to take free decisions.The Massimo Fagioli’s Human Birth Theory, freeing Psychiatry from Neurology and Neuropsychiatry, discovered a healthy non-rationalreality that characterizes the human birth and life. This non-rational realitycan fall ill and prevent the ability to take free and aware decisions, but it can also be cured. Therefore, wecan demand to the Law and Judges to consider this reality to differentiate all the different cases.


Above all there is the psychic condition of people who demands euthanasia. It’s essential distinguishbetween the legitimate request for help in case of suffering without ways out and the choice conditioned bydepression. Thanks to Massimo Fagioli’s theory we know that the depression can be cured with apsychotherapy. Law and healthcare can allow, for a good life, the dignity of a “good death”.



  1. Maria Gabriella Luccioli, presidente della prima sezione della Corte di Cassazione. Sentenza del 2007 stabilisce che la dignità è il “ diritto dei diritti”, e che ogni persona certificata in stato vegetativo permanente e irreversibile ha diritto, attraverso chi lo rappresenta, di rifiutare le cure e morire.
  2. Luigi Manconi, senatore e Presidente della Onlus “ A buon diritto”. Nel 2013 autore di una proposta di legge che riguardava sia le Dichiarazioni anticipate di Volontà che l’Eutanasia. Solo nel 2017 il Parlamento ha approvato una normativa sulle dichiarazioni anticipate.
  3. Andrea Ventura su Left del luglio 2017 “ Fine vita e ius soli ,perché la Chiesa dice no”
  4. In Spagna dal 2021 , dopo valutazione medica e rispetto garanzie sanitarie, la possibilità di accedere ad eutanasia è inserita nei LEA (livelli essenziali di assistenza) garantiti da SSN. Nei Paesi Bassi il diritto è lecito dal 2002. Ma già dal ’97 si chiedeva di accertare che la situazione del paziente fosse senza via d’uscita sul piano fisico, ma anche psicologico .
  5. ‘Teoria della nascita e castrazione umana’ : L’asino d’oro ed. aprile 2011- Nuove Edizioni romane 1975, 2008
  6. Il “caso” di Lucio Magri che ha usufrutio della Legge Clays- Leonetti , 2005, riproposta nel 2015